25 avril 2024

JIM MELLON, the British billionaire who is pushing for artificial meat

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Different times, different ways. Will technology dominate the world tomorrow? Some sectors will be? Will the agricultural sector be different in 10 years? British billionaire philanthropist Jim Mellon gives his vision of tomorrow's agriculture.

According to him, agri-food products will change shape or disappear in the next ten years. "Dairy products such as cows raised to produce milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc. will be gone in 10 years", he estimated in his interview.

Jim Mellon, invested in cellular agriculture. This sector seems to him to be able to replace applied agriculture nowadays.

Artificial meats

One author has also contributed his views on the changing shape of agriculture, as has Jim Mellon. The book "Moo's Law: An Investor's Guide to the New Agrarian Revolution" predicts that "half of the meat consumed in the world will be replaced by plant-based foods we already know or by cellular agriculture products whose meat is produced in laboratories with very high standards and quality identical to the best animal species.”

Jim Mellon blames intensive livestock farming for 14 to 18.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. And the latter, in effect, produces global warming.

In his opinion, these disasters should not have happened if intensive livestock farming was stopped, and instead artificial meat was produced in factories. Billionaire Jim Mellon has no hesitation in assuring the positivity of the change. He also hopes that their research work could benefit a number of people.

Not only is Jim studying agriculture, he is also researching ageing. His company Juvenescence is looking at improving therapies. The aim is to reduce the frailty of older people and ensure that they are healthier even as they age. In short, to prevent them from suffering from the many diseases that often occur in old age.


Photo Credit : CNBC