24 avril 2024


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Kathleen Osborne, a 28-year-old mother who suffered from cancer, had to have her leg amputated for her baby's survival.

Kathleen, who is about to give birth to her third child, was diagnosed with bone cancer in her fourth month of pregnancy. The doctor gave her two options, either to remove the baby so she could undergo chemotherapy or to amputate her right leg so she could keep the baby. She chose to hold her child so she chose to remove her leg.

She had an operation and her right leg was completely removed. She had her daughter, Aida-May, afterwards. She has not regretted taking this decision. "I didn't regret taking my leg off because that's how I got my baby, I'm really happy now," said Kathleen Osborne.

If her leg had not been amputated, she would have had to undergo chemotherapy and abort her child, she always said. But she doesn't know if it would work to completely eradicate the bone cancer she has suffered from since childhood.

Kathleen has had bone cancer since she was 11 years old. She underwent chemotherapy at that time and had several bones that make up her knee removed, as well as iron implants inserted into her legs.

In 2016, her cancer returned, but again in her lungs. She underwent treatment and was given the green light in March 2017. But 3 years later she had a painful lump on her right leg. That's when she found out she was pregnant with her third child.

Apparently she had two sons, Hayden, now 9, and Leo, 05.

Kathleen had always wanted a daughter, so she decided to go ahead and remove her right leg. Not only that, but even her first two sons already wanted sisters. This made Kathleen even more confident in her decision.

However, the mother promised her children that she would have a new leg built at Transformers. So her children liked this idea and kept asking her: "Where is the new leg?


Photo Credit : Olumorocktv