4 mai 2024

Ivory coast: a farmer impregnates his mother-in-law to revenge the adultery of his wife

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After three years of concubinage with A. Celestine, in the camp of Salamkro (department of Guiglo), K. Jerome, a planter, impregnated his mother-in-law Rosalie because his concubine left him for another man.

The case broke out on Friday, April 9, 2021. K. Jérôme got drunk his mother-in-law Rosalie, after 3 years of concubinage with A. Célestine, crowned by the birth of the little Angelica. The facts took place in the camp of Salamkro, in the department of Guiglo. According to Soir Info, which reported them, during the month of March 2021, A. Célestine explained to her partner K. Jérôme that she was not in good shape and that she was going to Guiglo for medical care. Jérôme supports her by giving her money for her transportation and medical expenses.

With the money in her pocket, A. Célestine put her daughter Angelica on her back and headed to Guiglo where she was supposed to go for medical treatment. As for her partner K. Jerome, he stays with his mother-in-law Rosalie (the mother of his wife A. Celestine). Days go by without any sign of life from the "sick" woman. Jerome tries to reach her by phone. No way. Worried, he gets on his motorcycle and goes to Guiglo to understand what is going on. Not suspecting anything, he went shopping for his girlfriend.

In Guiglo, he goes to the Nazareth district where his wife Celestine has the habit of putting her bags at her cousin's house every time she goes to this city. And it is at the latter's house (Celestine's cousin) that he finds his wife in great shape in the arms of another man, having a lover. His blood takes a turn and it is the fight between the spouses.

And that's not all. Célestine strikes a blow at Jérôme by revealing to him that "their" daughter Angelica's real father is the man who is hugging her, and who has already drawn up the child's birth certificate. Jérôme cannot take it anymore and cries loudly in front of his rival who rejoices in Célestine's act of "bravery".

Humiliated and drained of his strength, the planter takes his motorcycle and returns to the Salamkro camp where he explains everything to his mother-in-law Rosalie. Shocked, she promises to settle the matter. While waiting for this settlement, the planter becomes infatuated with his mother-in-law Rosalie, a woman in her forties whose generous shape makes him lose his mind. One evening, he invites his mother-in-law to a maquis. Jerome lines up the bottles of beer that he empties with Rosalie.

Once this last one completely drunk, the planter who nourishes a bad idea, brings her back home and makes her sleep in the bed. Unconscious, she was thus at the mercy of Jerome who takes his revenge. He sleeps with her several times. Later, when Rosalie finds her spirits, she surprises him by ''jumping'' her. She vigorously pushes back her son-in-law who apologizes by making known to her that he was under the influence of alcohol. Problem. The sexual act was done without protection and it happens that Rosalie was, this day, in her bad period (period of ovulation). A month later, she noticed that she was pregnant. To her misfortune, she confided in a relative who revealed the affair. Humiliated in turn, she left the camp and went to her native region, Bouaké, and decided to have an abortion.


© Photo Credit : SciDev